Meet Lesa Brackbill

I use my gifts and experience to encourage collaboration, educate, empower, and inspire action! My focus is advancing Newborn Screening, with the goal of giving every baby born with a leukodystrophy an equal chance at a healthy life – a chance my daughter Victoria didn’t receive.

The depth of my love for my daughter is not
measured by the number of tears I have cried,
but rather by the life I choose to live in her absence.

Lesa Brackbill

“I may not know if Tori really liked giraffes or not, but I do know this: I know the pain of Krabbe, I know the pain of not having a chance to try to save my child. I don’t want others to walk the path we did. I want them to have an option, to have hope. I want my lack of knowledge about my daughter to be the door to a lifetime of memories for them.”

Lesa Brackbill (from this post)
Photos by: Perigee Photo Co.

Special thanks to Perigee Photo Co. for so perfectly capturing
what it is like to attempt to accomplish things while Brennan is at work.
These depict real-life moments with the boys who always
want to be right where their mama is and love to join every Zoom meeting.

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