Tag: Youth Ministry


Not too much happening–because I’m SOOO busy! This week I have spent every night at church, for various things…tomorrow night (Friday) is my first night off, LOL. Even Saturday is going to be spent taking the youth group on a hike…it’s worth it, but it’s exhausting… πŸ™‚

Had another filling replaced today, so I’m done now πŸ™‚ Now they are all porcelain and you can’t see them (and they won’t chip–I had to have all four replaced because they had chipped–and they were only 6 years old).

I’m doing a presentation in front of some corporate executives next week, so I’m pretty excited about that! This is a HUGE visibility opportunity, so please pray that I’ll be calm, collected, concise, and articulate. πŸ™‚ I also just wrapped up a four-month long project that was incredibly successful, and that is such a blessing! The Lord is truly blessing me as I continue to press forward.

Our house is wonderful…though we’ve had some interesting situations with our homeowners association, life has been incredibly good lately!

I can’t believe that it’s already June…my life for the next couple of months will be even busier than before–if that’s possible! πŸ™‚ I’m really excited though–many trips are coming up (Navajo mission trip; family reunion in Trinidad, California, etc.)…

…and I get to go to Pennsylvania in October! It’s been almost TWO years since I have been to PA, and I miss it dearly. I can’t wait to see my friend Jon get married–and to sing at his wedding! πŸ™‚

That’s all I’ve got for now…time to go to youth group!

More Pictures from NorCal…

What a great weekend…We had our FBC Glendora “Youth Staff” Retreat in Northern California, and it was amazing. I took Kevin, Dannylle, and Allie to Burney Falls, the Lava Tubes by Mt. Lassen, and Old Sacramento. I have such a wonderful family who fed and housed us (and helped make some curtains πŸ™‚ ), and it was such a great trip overall!

Here are some more pictures of us…we had a lot of fun!




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I’m 24 now…

It’s been a great birthday!

I spent three days in Long Beach at the State Youth Conference with 16 teenagers…needless to say, I have no voice right now.

I had my birthday bash last night, and I was surprised by my parents showing up! They flew down to surprise me, and it’s been fun.

Tonight, I’m in Northridge with family and friends, watching “24” (introducing a friend to the show–hoping to get him hooked…and it’s working!)

It’s been a great birthday…an incredibly busy week…and I’m content πŸ™‚

Busy Week…

I am so thankful that the week is almost done! It has been absolutely hectic for me, in a good way mostly.

Yesterday was our “Christmas Extravaganza” at work, and we did four performances. At each one, I performed “All is Well”–and, praise the Lord, each one went perfectly! I was amazed that I was not nervous at all…and I was also amazed and humbled at the reactions I received from people. Everyone was incredibly impressed–which was so humbling! I know that my voice and musical talent are gifts from the Lord, and I do not take them for granted. I prayed yesterday morning that the Lord would give me His peace and His voice to sing, and He truly did. I was not nervous at all! πŸ™‚ Yay!

In between our performances, we had a break for lunch…so I went back to my desk, and my supervisor called me over. She informed me that she (along with my manager) wanted me to apply for one of the open team leader positions TODAY, as they are interviewing this week and they want me to be in on it. Talk about stress! I have been overwhelmed as it is…

So, today was spent adding to my resume, applying for the position, and prepping for interviews…of course, my mentor is out of town this week, so he isn’t here for this excitement! I did email him, and we’ve been in contact that way…

Our goal with all this isn’t to get me into a position right away (though that would be cool). The goal is to gain more visibility, more exposure, so that the next time around, they will automatically think of me. That means that there is less pressure, but I still must make a great impression…and it is all in the Lord’s hands. I cannot do this on my own–especially with everything on my plate right now.

Today was our department Christmas breakfast, and we did a “White Elephant” gift exchange. I’ve never done that with 100 people! SOOOO fun. πŸ™‚ I ended up with a cool gift–that no one stole, which was nice. I just sat back and watched the craziness.

Other than that…not much going on. Oh, we had a youth group event tonight–a Christmas Photo Scavenger Hunt…which was great. My team came in 2nd place–only by a technicality. Not bad!! πŸ™‚

Tomorrow will be another “Office” party (for the show, not work)…two of my wonderful friends from church will be joining me for our weekly “Office” indulgence–and not only Thursday, but Sunday as well πŸ™‚ I love that show–and I love these friends!

All in all, God is great, and I am so blessed…thank you, Lord! πŸ™‚


Great Camping Trip!

My favorite picture from the weekend…:) Posted by Picasa

This camping trip was really awesome. We had 12 kids and 4 adults, and it just went so smoothly!

This picture is from our game of “Sardines”, where one person hides, and everyone else must try to find them and hide with them quietly, often creating situations much like a can of sardines. Such was the experience this round, when the person hiding hid in the back of Mindi’s truck! πŸ™‚ There were 13 people in the bed of the truck!

Great kids, great fellowship, great weather (cool enough to wear sweatshirts, and about 30 degrees cooler than Glendora). Good times!


Still recovering from this weekend. It’s pathetic, really, that I get so worn out after staying up all night/day. I guess, though, the exhaustion could be from the whole summer combined–it has been exhausting and non-stop craziness.

The mother of some of my youth kids told me today that she sees the Lord moving me around from place to place and not keeping me in one place for very long. While that’s encouraging (because I’ve felt the same thing–or rather, I’ve begun to suspect that, since I have been moving at least every 4 months for the past 3 years, and every 3 weeks this summer), it’s also kinda sad, because I want to have a place to call “home,” a sense of stability. But, who knows. If that’s what the Lord is calling me to, then He will prepare and equip me. No worries!

Bought my plane ticket for NYC for the U2 concert today…2 months! πŸ™‚ That will be a great weekend–3 days in NYC with a good friend. This will be awesome!

And life continues…

Off to Seattle…

Well, tomorrow morning (VERY EARLY) I leave for Seattle, to sing at my dear friend Alli’s wedding (she was one of my roommates in D.C.). I am so honored and so excited about this!

4 youth at high school youth group tonight…slowly climbing!! πŸ™‚

Have a great weekend! Thanks to Mindi for taking me to–and picking me up from–the airport!


Wow…what a week! I had 20 days to find teachers and put together Vacation Bible School for my church, and with God’s gracious help, it happened! It was a very successful week…the kids had a great time, the teachers really enjoyed it…The comment I heard most from teachers was that they loved how organized it was–I can’t imagine it being any other way! I love being organized and I love organizing big events such as this.

Anyway, the youth group may also benefit from this week, because so many of the middle school kids want to come back. I did some major promoting with them this week, gave them a calendar of August events, talked to them about weekly youth group meetings, etc. May the Lord do what He desires in this situation!

Leslie is getting married today…at 4pm…WOW! I leave in a couple of hours for the wedding…number 3 of the summer. This one will be one of the most beautiful and most special to me, though, for many reasons. Congratulations Leslie and Stuart!

More later…lots to do to get ready for today, and to get ready to move again (I’m housesitting for 3 weeks (for three different people), and I have to move to the next house tomorrow)…